How Much Longer Are You Going to Suffer?

You ever feel like you’re on this never-ending treadmill? Giving to everyone—your kids, your partner, your job—but when it comes time to give to yourself, there’s just... nothing left. I get it. You’ve been pushing for so long that now, you’re on autopilot. But the thing is, autopilot isn’t working anymore, is it?

It’s time for a reset, Sis. A REAL ONE.

That’s why I’m hosting The Big Reset: Reinvent, Refocus, Reignite—a 3-day challenge designed to help you break out of this cycle of overwork and overwhelm. You’re not supposed to be running on fumes, and this challenge is all about filling your cup back up so you can be your best self.

What to expect? 

Well, here’s the truth: You’ll finally get some clarity on why you’re feeling stuck, and more importantly, how to break free. And no, this isn’t one of those “rah-rah, feel good for a minute” things. We’re talking real, actionable stuff that’ll help you start making daily moves toward feeling better, more confident, and a little more in control of your life.

And isn't that what you really want?

If you're ready, here's what I want you to do TODAY.

1. SIGN UP for The Big Reset Challenge so that we, Calvalyn Day with my special guest, Elizabeth White can help you get your whole life together on October 8th, 9th and 10th.

2. Set a 10-minute timer today and do something that’s just for you. Read a chapter of a book, take a quick walk, or just sit in silence and breathe. Starting small shows you that your time is valuable and that you can reclaim it.

3. Write down one boundary you can set this week. Maybe it’s not answering work emails after 6 PM or saying “no” to something that’s draining you. Protecting your time is key to recharging.

Because if not now, when?

Join me, and let’s hit that reset button together.